If La Louvière probably owes its name to Guilhem de la Louvière, abbot of Saint-Croix and prevover of L & eactoognan in the 13th century, it is the family Guilloche, a large family of Bordeaux notables, who develops and structures the vineyard of La Louvière in the 15th and 16th century. A property owned by the Charteux who brought him among the best, the estate passed in 1791 in the hands of Jean-Baptiste Marheilac, a great trader Bordeaux. It was he who had then built by Fran & ccedil; ois Lhote, pupil of Victor Louis, architect of the Grand Theater of Bordeaux, the magnificent current castle, one of the most beautiful of Bordeaux, classified historical monument in 1991.The family Marheilac, owner Until the very beginning of the 20th century, La Louvière was one of the most famous wines in the area that was to become the Pessac-Léognan appellation. The 2 following owners, victims as many wars and crises that heavily affected the wine production, could not prevent the decline of the estate which was not classified in 1959. One of the two artisans of the fabulous development of the Lurton family today one of the main families of the Bordeaux vineyards, André Lurton acquired La Louvière in 1965. He has since insured his total renewal. r n r n Located in the east of Léognan, between Carbonnieux and Haut -Bailly, the vineyard of 61 ha grows on varied terroirs, deep gravel, silicas and limestones. At an average age of 21, it is planted in Cabernet Sauvignon Red (64%), Merlot (30%), Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot (3% each) and in Sauvignon Blanc (85%). and Séminaire (15%). Planting density averages 7,500 vines / ha. In addition to the great wine in red and white, La Louvière produces a second wine in two colors, "L de la Louvière".