The Château Picque Caillou is the work of a famous architect of his time, Jean Laclotte, who completed this project in 1756. The few vines vegetate there until 1947 and his purchase by Etienne Denis, man of Bordeaux business that works in Indochina. Today, Isabelle Denis and Paulin Calvet, her granddaughter and her husband, are owners since 1997.Not happy to exploit a vineyard of 21 hectares admirably located on a ground of serious gunzienne carried from the Pyrenees, they organize tastings and receptions at the castle. The grape variety gives pride of place to red wines, with 20 hectares planted half in merlot, half in cabernet sauvignon. The remaining hectare is dedicated to white wine with 60% Sauvignon and 40% Sauvillon. With the help of Denis Dubourdieu and Valérie Lavigne, Paulin Calvet, from a long line of Bordeaux wine merchants, produces wines every year. who favor race, elegance and purity. One of the peculiarities of this area is to be at the gates of Bordeaux and Mérignac, with houses for neighboring vines.